About us

Ancestral Ceremonies Perú


We are a group of friends who know the rites and ceremonies of Peru, their ancestral medicine that has lasted to this day, through the last Shamans of Cusco and their  traditions.

Our friend Danilo Flores Apaza is a Chaman who shows us the path of Pachamama, he says,- «I have to share this knowledge of my ancestors, it is what Pachamama and my heart tell me»-, born in the community of Qeros in Cusco, where his mother tongue was born in the community of Q ´eros in Cusco, where his mother tongue was Quechua o Runasimi learning Spanish in recent years, as did many of his community.

They are considered the last descendants of the Inca shamans, Danilo lived his entire childhood next to his grandfather Altomisayoq (The highest position of all Shamans), Danilo could not go to school or college, when he was born an orphan he stayed to live with his grandfather, where he was in direct contact with this knowledge, since he learned from a very young age different types of rituals for each important event, he explains that these rituals are clearly linked to the astronomical agricultural calendar and its many ways of thanking and asking for a good life to the Pachamama, Danilo shows us the Alchemy and the way of holding meetings or  ceremonies as in the time of the Incas where we give back in gratitude for everything received by mother earth.

Juan and Melisa, together with Danilo, will be your coordinators and interpreters in Cusco offering a private and personal experience. Juan, born in Cusco, Bachelor of Tourism, knowledgeable and scholar of the Andean culture, tirelessly seeks to recover the Ancestral Inca rites, their ceremonial music and expand knowledge with Sacred San Pedro or Wachuma plants that complement our visit to Peru.

Melisa Tonsich, the creator of the "FlorESer" women's circle, has traveled this life finding different ways of living such ascomplementary integral therapies, although she considers herself a constant learner about integral therapies, including Usui Reiki, Psychogenealogy, Regressive Therapy, Coach Reflexology in PNL.

Make sacred encounters with and in nature gives us the option of complementing and feeling during our visit to Cusco at home, meeting with brotherhood friends.


The Andean tradition in Cusco shows us one of the innumerable paths that we can find for evolution and personal awakening, self-knowledge, and the liberation of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual burdens, it shows us traditional forms, which have transcended in time, through Andean ceremonies. 

Like many other cultures around the world, the Incas followed the laws of Nature, where they summarized in encounters or "Ceremonies", the representation of the cosmos, alchemy typical of the evolution of beliefs, traditions, and rituals of pre-Columbian societies in Peru. Today present in the inhabitants of the “Qeros” community, maintain this ancestral knowledge, these shamanic ceremonies inherited today by Danilo, who will give us the opportunity to learn directly with Nature,seeking a better quality of life.

Ceremonia Pachamama

Our mission: Help to remember the essence of the BEING in mind, heart, spirit, through Andean traditions sharing with the last Shamans in Cusco. 

Our vision: Recover different rituals, ceremonies, and traditions of Peru, expanding the Andean consciousness and tradition seeking a better quality of life.

Ceremonia Pachamama



The Andean tradition nos muestra shows us the harmony of living with Mother Earth or Pachamama seeking a better quality of life.

It is about reliving and recreating the Andean ceremonies of Cusco in the main mountains and on different scheduled dates each year, carrying and performing the Andean paraphernalia or celebration as in the times of the Incas, being able to participate whoever so wishes or simply supporting us from wherever you are ………see more 

ritos y ceremonias del Peru

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