Ceremonias Ancestrales Perú

The Pachamama


… .So that she receives will and affection… the seeds that will be cast in her womb and make them abundantly fruitful…

Its habitat is the bowels of the earth and its validity has no limits of territorial circumscription ...


It is an Andean deity whose cult is intact from Ecuador to Argentina long after most of the gods of the Andean pantheon were forgotten
She is kind and tolerant and is encouraged by "sprinkling" chicha on all occasions when it is drunk. He also likes to participate in the stews that men serve, he is invited by giving him small portions, which are thrown on the ground when starting daily meals, his field of greatest validity being that of agriculture, the importance of this deity is understood in purely agricultural towns.
The most formal and significant propitiations to this deity are made in the months of AUGUST and September, coinciding with the initiation of sowing. Sometimes the "Payment" is made, which consists of offering him through a "Paqo" (generic term for native religious officiants, excluding Layqa), portions of food and chicha and at the same time a "Dispatch" so that he receives will and affection, the seeds that will be thrown into her womb and make them bear fruit with an abundance
In some cases, the Wiñaq Rumi (emerging stones) is considered as a manifestation of the Pachamama, which are rocks similar to a sandeel that emerges from the earth and is presumed to come from the center of the earth, giving the spirit that inhabits the treatment of Ñus´tas, it seems that this identification comes from INKA times, since in the vicinity of the city of Cusco we find what seems to have been a ceremonial center around a large stone, which shares the characteristics of a Wiñaq Rumi, we mean to the archaeological group of QENQO (Q'enqo), we make similarity of the central stone of the set.
Pachamama She is personified as a woman of small stature, with a lot of clothing and with a thin voice. She gives an account of the growth of the Plants, represents fertility, and is considered as the mother of the agricultural products that she offers us her children ...
... Pachamama is the goddess of Nature, she is the mother who sustains us, gives us life and happiness to all, and is rewarded with a routine invitation by spilling the first drops of the spirits that are about to be ingested on the ground, or with the ceremonial breath of the first coca leaves to be chewed ...
… The Pachamama is a single one but it is considered as multiple deities, that is to say, that all the places of the Subsoil and the flat surface that have names are inhabited by the earth that bear the name of the place.
In the month of August, the Pachamama lives actively, the settlers aware of this fact have to make the payment to the land, which consists of a rite designed to promote the fertility of the land, before sowing the seed so that in return, the Pachamama allows the growth and fruiting of the plantations.
-Revista del Instituo Pastoral Andina volumen II – «Allpanchis Phuturinqa», «Orakesajj Achukaniwa»
Pages: 72, 73, 74, 149, 150.

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