Ceremonias Ancestrales Perú

Astrology = Evolutionary Shamanism


The universe, the cosmic spiral, and its natural cycle shows us at every moment the expression of life, the connection and the energetic influence that exists in everything, especially in us, a sequence of the constant change of our present every day through our actions and what we love to do the most

The natural evolutionary process in all of us

Let's imagine for a moment and closing our eyes visualize inside us a still but at the same time moving "Mandala", perfectly aligned to our frequency and essence as human beings, tastes, flavors, and colors that we carry generationally in each one of us, an example It would be that we imagine ANY MANDALA, the one we like the most, and someone like you or me, we naturally like bakery, pizzeria and/or baking, what would basically make up the mandala are the ingredients that are reflected in perfect order, the seeds very well aligned and geometrically located in each line, curve, or edge of the mandala that we like the most, moving and circulating infinitely, like going and coming through the sacred geometry of the mandala, like the blood of our veins, the many colors that form part and is expressed by the essence of our being.  

We could also interpret by the colors of clothes that we particularly like to wear, those colors that attract us the most, are exactly those that circulate and paint and are part of this infinite mandala that we all have as human beings.

Each one is unique and has their own love and passion for life or something they like best. Inside we are universes that live our evolutionary processes at each stage throughout our lives, whether in childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, marking our unique characteristics in behavior, thought and action.

What we could describe or interpret below is summarized in that Astrology is clearly Shamanic, the times that each planet takes to go around the sun, we know that they pass through different zodiacal signs and they are aligned between them and they are always different and we know that it affects us directly.

Shamanism in Cusco as in many other parts of the world is based on the interaction with the divine expression of universal energy in nature, especially those places that have greater radiation and attraction, cosmic energy considered as divine sources of healing and personal transformation. where the vital energy is expressed on this plane in the duality or complementary relationship, being today places visited by many people for many other reasons. Shamanism describes the connection of our inner world with the outer, an evolutionary process together with the personal process.

We must be very careful not to confuse the evolutionary process of karmic healing and liberation with the process of sequential achievements of an organized system to define the winning goals in life creating many times more structures of thought, but not of liberation.

The clearest example would be how to see a plant grow, we will notice that nothing happens if we sit down to see it all day, only when we stop paying attention to it does it grow so that our senses accept a reality that is happening at every moment, shamanism causes, focuses and enhances these changes in our lives, the beliefs of personal transformation through these psychomagic acts.

These Psychomagic acts are interactions that we carry out with the divinities and were always linked to the representation of nature where the presence of divine beings is found that thanks to their blessings make our life much better and full of blessings, directly empowered through these ancestral interactions.

Shamanic Astrology describes our present, in every aspect from the moment we are born according to the times of the movements of the stars, and the current process in which we find ourselves.

What we are trying to say is that we can interact and modify our reality in a conscious way in a present and act so that in future astronomical movements the planetary forces we have in our favor, all this is in order to flow in the cosmic spiral in an endless return to the origin

The elevation of being in the personal attempts, the infinite ways of expressing them through human creativity where there are no limits, leaving in total freedom, our mind being the channeling and embellishing of all the feelings that emanate from our interior or the divine source.

The conformation of our internal planetary system as solar beings is given and expressed from the day we are born. Our path is to make that Mandala shine more in essence and to do what we like and love the most in life.

They generate a Bridge or Chakana of connection

All human beings are connected to each other and evolution is collective, if we create a bridge between the past and the present we will see that we come from highly linked societies and are knowledgeable about Astronomical events, as today happens with science and science. discoveries.

The idea of ​​a bridge that connects when these worlds also expressed within us rotate and move according to time and space, if we create or generate a change in ourselves in any way, we will be driving from a present to a future that will be karmatic or the opposite, always oriented to the evolution of being in consciousness.

Shamanism is a way, a way like many, others where the requests of this present in which we live lead to the divine world, be this any representation of what each one considers about life or its creation or divine belief.

Psychomagic acts help to re-establish the internal balance in each one that has been influenced, as we grow and develop, they help us create a bridge to a different reality, a state of acceptance and peaceful liberation, a feeling that nourishes our being.

It is difficult to understand or see reality differently when we are very confused or disoriented, according to the traditions it is right there where the Shamans help to give power and faith to the request, obviously the last remaining Shamans have maintained and share these traditions, as is the case of the inhabitants of the QEROS community in Cusco.

The INTI SOL: as a source of the spirit it represents our essence and when we are born the planets oscillate around us, papa mama, Saturn, and the Moon in their representations being us located in the third place as our planet earth, the Incas as many other solar cultures children of the sun INTI began to sacralize cosmic events such as the solstices and equinoxes, cultures that developed their societies based on astronomical calendars, an example would be the architecture that is intimately linked to nature, being appropriate to the originality of geography and at the same time oriented to these cosmic events.

LA MAMA KILLA: Well, this is how they first developed the connections with the lunar phases, this being integrated to the rhythm of daily life very well expressed in agriculture and its cycles, depending on astronomical movements, the phases of the moon followed what would correspond with the healing process with the mother, an approach to the relationship we had with mother.

The ancestral cultures in the world followed these internal and external regulations for an opening of information through our pineal gland, locating in the main places in the Qapac Ñan on the way to Antisuyo in Cusco they come to be the temple of the Moon Amarumarkawasi, dedicated clearly to the transformation and unification with the Pachamama representing our Mother as protector and giver of life, this means that, like astrology, both focus on the healing and evolution of being.

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