Ceremonias Ancestrales Perú

The Ceremony of San Pedro



 The "Shamanic Ceremony" could be interpreted as the unification and liberation of our internal world with the external, a balance through methods or techniques that help the force of the spirit of San Pedro to carry out the Ancestral cleansing and healing

Ancestral Ceremonies Peru performs this type of ritual as in Inca times

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The Ceremony of San Pedro

The San Pedro Cactus finds us and gives each of us great teaching, an awakening of internal consciousness in balance and harmony with external nature, an experience of the present very subtle and at the same time intense, allowing us to fall into a state of relaxation and meditation, the San Pedro Wachuma are beings considered for centuries as the "master plants" and source of knowledge and universal expansion, the San Pedro la Ayahuasca as well as many other substances induces us to a unique experience where only after the ceremony can we conclude in something.
Ceremonia de San Pedro
Mesa Shamanica
Ceremonia de San Pedro
 Today the Ceremony of San Pedro is developed like all other ancestral medicines where we could interpret as phases of the "SHAMANIC" process different moments of transition that each one passes during the effects of mescaline, being very particular in each one, since As digestion happens, the Wachuma or medicine, acts in us very subtly, it is precisely the ancestral Shamanic methods a means of communication with the spirit of San Pedro  that has its own consciousness and strength,initiating an energetic exchange of healing and liberation.
 The Initiation ritual is the so-called Ceremonies of San Pedro or Wachuma in which today the human being seeks these states of death and rebirth, often generating profound changes in life 
Many of us find in Shamanism a spiritual path to experience a state of expanded consciousness and feel and see the creation from our essence, that is why Psychoactive substances or entheogenic plants and many other ancient medicines at the world level, induce us to a death symbolic and many times so real that it generates despair being perceived as a "bad trip" or unpleasant moment, all this is part of the Ceremony, vomiting with Ayahuasca being very common and very rare with the intake of San Pedro, precisely the Mescaline that the cactus possesses then induces us to a state of trance and relaxation is more sensitive than visual, but thanks to the activation and observation through the pineal gland it is possible to see fractals, diagrams "mandalas", geometric figures, colors, etc.
Flor de la vida

The Shamanic MESA its meaning in the Ceremony of San Pedro

The Wachuma drink extracted from the San Pedro cactus, in addition to inducing a trance, is also associated with the essential paraphernalia that always accompanies Andean ceremonies, such as quartz talismans or energy stones that are used by healers or Shamans in rituals or ceremonies, and Its meaning has the function of a Chakana bridge or connector that unifies and arranges the Universe, many call it "the MESA" or "The MESAS" which mostly refers to a mantle spread out on the floor in which the «objects », Being very particular to each teacher or Shaman, many of these are inherited or found by their own Masters in initiation centers such as main mountains (Ausangate), this trousseau is a little bit enriched with new quartz stone objects with the energetic meaning of each Instead, all this is essential for the role of the healer or Shaman and directly express the cultural worldview of the place of origin.
Mesa Shamanica
Ceremonia de San Pedro
Mesa Shamanica
Mesa Shamanica
 These Mesadas vary according to the region and the working method of the Shaman, most share the principles of "Duality and Quadripartition" these are concepts that were used in all Andean societies, finding many similarities with other ancestral cultures in the world that developed their societies based on Nature.
In the Shamanic aspect "the MESA" means our Universe, the Shaman's universe where it represents the The worldview of each place and at the same time its personal understanding of the Shaman about the Cosmos - Universe, initiating a relationship with creation and life, an intimate understanding based on the orders of Nature.
In the language of the Incas the Runa Simi or Quechua "the MESA" is known as UNKHUÑA ", a term that describes the Universe in its entirety.
The objects that can commonly be found in these Shamanic MESAS are very varied and extensive, we can mention the stones (Jiwaya or meteorite stone), quartz snails, feathers, talismans, in addition to the rattles, quenas, ceremonial panpipes, and many other instruments that are part of the trousseau and the ability of the Shaman to bring the ceremony to a state of trance and relaxation being used for other healing purposes
Ancient cultures in northern Peru, especially "Chavin de Huantar", established a public space where the San Pedro ritual took place in its famous "Temple of Lanzón", a monumental and complex space with enclosures dedicated to different functions, all this is transformed into the ceremonial space during the trance of the ceremony of San Pedro or Wachuma. during the psychotropic effects of the concoction.
The Chavin de Huantar culture developed its society based on ceremonial spaces in the shape of a “U”, being the Temple for public use, used for the performance of these and other ceremonies in which the mystical encounters, or ceremony of San Pedro, were developed ”.
Nowadays we could say that the "MESA" fulfills this function, the ritual takes place around it or environment as a ceremonial center for channeling and spiritual connection, and it is represented on a small space very particular to each Shaman (UNKHUÑA), were transporting it to different places and opening it preferably in natural or energetic places, the "MESA" or "counter" is a symbolic space where the Shaman's paraphernalia is located.

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