1 Day
Cleansing and
Energy Healing

Purpose of the Ceremony

Connect –Heal- Release

The Energy Cleansing and Healing ceremony gives us the opportunity to take stock of our internal energies through Shamanic techniques that the QERO community uses to this day as part of their way of healing. This energy comes from the communication maintained by the Shamans. of Peru with the main Sacred Mountains, these are represented by the stones or KHUYAS that they always carry with them and come from the place of origin carrying their energy which is invoked or channeled for the purpose of physical, spiritual, and mental healing where the shaman performs movements around us in energy points through the imposition of these Shamanic stones.

The first step is to make a general diagnosis where the shaman will identify, using coca leaves, in which part of our life we ​​need a change, an unblocking, and, above all, deep cleaning and then begin the cleaning with traditional herbs such as rue, rosemary, and broom. 3 known plants, together help us expel negative or blocked energies, flowering water, and condor feathers also used for this general cleaning

Finally, to transform with the help of Pachamama, we will make an Andean offering that symbolizes communion and desire to improve our lives and ask for all the people important to us and also ask for a quiet visit to Peru, the ceremony is carried out in centers archaeological buildings built in the time of the Incas

What are the recommendations before the Energy Cleansing and Healing ceremony?

It is highly recommended to be light this day to eat some fruit and drink plenty of water, tea or hot mate without sugar, avoid alcohol and other substances and strong drinks. All this helps to a better relaxation and integration with the Andean medicine optional to bring food at the end of the ceremony, some fruit and water is recommended before our return to our lodging.

¿What should we bring to the ceremony?

We must bear in mind that we will go to Nature, where it is optional and often necessary to bring:
- Hat or sunscreen
- Water (1 liter minimum)
- Coat for the afternoon (jacket, gloves, hat)
-Rain coat
- Fruit or snack to share (optional)
-bring a blanket to lie down on (optional)
- If you want you can share and bring the energy of personal things such as stones, quartz, amulets and images etc. All this in order to integrate the ceremony in unity


Complete Shamanic Retreats

The Best Retreats with the Shamans of the QEROS community
we will live the experience of Shamanic INITIATION
Cusco-Sacred Valley of the Incas-Peru


4 - DAYS
(8 Ceremonias)

Together with the Masters of the QEROS community, we design and summarize in 4 days the Shamanic INITIATION ceremonies carried out in Archaeological places and with a lot of Nature.


Shamanic Initiation
4 Ceremonies)

The Shamanic Initiation helps the INITIAL connection with the source or energy of the mountain, we will live the ancestral pilgrimage of the Shamanic path of the Qeros Shamans


Shamanic Initiation
(3 Ceremonies)

Initiation ceremony on the Shamanic path according to the Andean tradition in Cusco, it is carried out in places or energy centers such as the Sacred Valley of the Incas, we will go up to the Kinsacocha lagoon.

Health and Wellness Trips
