Ceremonias Ancestrales Perú

The San Pedro Cactus



What we understand as «Shamanic Ceremony» could be interpreted as the means for an opening of our Pineal Gland, which is stimulated with Mescaline, sometimes producing an opening of the «third eye» and many times it can be described as visualizing geometric shapes, colors and feel the body in a very soft state of relaxation

Ancestral Ceremonies Peru performs this type of ritual as in Inca times
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The first representations of the San Pedro cactus and the Wachuma Ritual

The Jequetepeque Valley in the northern area of ​​Peru, the current department of La Libertad, was the scene of the Cupisnique culture where they represented the cactus known today as the San Pedro in their ceramics and huacos, giving a ceremonial and ritualistic character to the effects that mescaline produces extracted from the Cactus called Wachuma
San pedro Wachuma
San pedro Wachuma
Formative Period (1500 BC.)
Indications of the use of the San Pedro cactus have been found in pre-Columbian Andean societies, through ancestral RITUALS, what draws attention is in the fusion of the Flora and Fauna of the place
being the cactus a means where they represent it in the human being as in the animals considered these as beings of protection that show us many other qualities 
Many popular tales are based on the magic of the cactus, where humans transform into animals and animals into human beings. 
The San Pedro Wachuma cactus and its Relationship with the "Wind"
The San Pedro Cactus is related to the "WIND", a language that communicates with the Shaman or Master Healer when invoking it, requesting their favors and kindness and one of the many ways to establish communication is through whistles as well as wind instruments like quenas and panpipes (Zampoñas)
El cactus es humanizado y comprendido como si fuera una persona o un miembro más de la familia, que vive y cuida la casa donde se encuentra.

The cactus Known as the San Pedro

In the southern highlands where the use of the cactus drink Wachuma has spread in the seventeenth century, columnar cactus 5 to 6 meters high with small rigid and numerous spines that produce the substance known as Wachuma that produces small hallucinations. The San Pedro cactus is psychoactive, and it has played an essential role in the religious rites and spiritual practices of many ancient cultures that show that this plant has been ethnobotanically linked to man since ancient times. 
The blue San Pedro cactus also recognized for its bluish coloration indicates that it has a high concentration of Mescaline and is ready for use as Wachuma San Pedro ancestral medicine.
Ceremonia San Pedro Wachuma
 (1000 BC - 500 BC.)
A "Clava Head of Chavín with the San Pedro cactus" has been found representing a Shaman in a state of trance and transformer.
One of the first representations of the San Pedro Wachuma cactus is found in a sculpture that shows a mythological being that supports it, it belongs to the Chavín culture and was found in the Temple of the same name located in the northern highlands of Peru.

The cactus of REST San Pedro Wachuma

The medicinal properties of the San Pedro or Wachuma cactus when drinking the extracted Mescaline added to the Shamanic process induces us to a relaxing and soft rest that can be felt in the physical and emotional body, findingour senses and relaxation in Nature deeper than usual. !
The first stage of the San Pedro or Wachuma ceremony is always felt in the physical part that lasts about 20 minutes while the digestion process lasts, you feel a little cold in the body that passes quickly then we recover and feel in a been very comfortable and aware for the next 4 hours.
The magical energy that we could interpret from the San Pedro Wachuma cactus in us internally is related to a soft and conscious relaxation, it is Mescaline that helps us to understand and enter the trance of meditation, it helps to a more intense and conscious liberation, a feeling of peace and harmony, and communion with Nature, nourishment of the spirit directly from existence, emotional silence of personal introspection. described as a feeling of pleasure in the spirit, awakens mental awareness for self-learning and immense joie de vivre The Shamans in Cusco perform the cleansing ceremonies of negative energy, they translate as the exchange of energies with mother earth or Pachamama through the ancestral ceremonies of the QERO tradition where we have the opportunity to complete the healing.

What do shamans use to heal?

According to the Andean tradition in Cusco, the Shamans perform healing using stones, quartz, which were acquired many times in the place where the Andean Shamanic initiation is carried out since ancient times (Ausangate Mountain) or by family inheritance as it happens in most cases In the Qeros community of Cusco, these stones carry the energy of the place of origin, and it is invoked every time the shamans perform any type of healing. 

The ancestral wisdom in Peru and especially in Cusco has been maintained until today, having many variations and incorporations and we can see that the use of the so-called "Sacred Plants" such as Ayahuasca and the San Pedro cactus, is used to determine any evil, disease or divination that they could see through the trance that occurs when drinking the essence, added to the shamanic methods that they learned and were transmitted in time.

Mescaline, what is it and what is it for?

The San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi, Echinopsis peruviana). They played a very important role in Andean societies, long before the Incas, their cultural influence is due to the entheogenic effects that it generates in people when drinking Wachuma or the extraction of mescaline; however, it also has possible medical applications in fields such as psychology, psychiatry. 
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: It is one of the cacti with the highest concentration of mescaline, it was isolated in 1896 by the pharmacologist Artur Heffter. It was called that because it was extracted from dried peyote that according to European scientists of the time was known as mezcal button,
He was the first president of the German Society of Pharmacologists and was largely responsible for the first Manual of Experimental Pharmacology published in 1919.
 He isolated mescaline from the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) in 1897.
Its psychoactive capacity stimulates brain neurotransmitters, and they act from a level of «Consciousness», emotions being a means through which a feeling of peace and harmony, communion with Nature, and nourishment of the body is released and expressed in a pleasant and healing way. spirit straight from existence, emotional silence of personal introspection a sense of pleasure in the spirit awakens mental awareness for self-learning and feeling a rebirth for the joy of the present and gratitude for all that we live.

Why are the Echinopsis Pachanoi and Trichocereus peruvianus cactus called San Pedro?

The name that we know today as Wachuma, is the one that transcended time ...

When the Spaniards arrived in Peru, they saw how the native people drank these cacti after cooking them for many hours, describing that they went into a trance, a divine ecstasy that the first Spanish priests or priests witnessed and the first thing they did is relate to "San Pedro." According to the Catholic Religion, he is the one who guards the gates of heaven, being at the same time the one who closes the doors for you, that is why no one in history dies from the cactus drink, the effects may be much more sensitive than visual.

We are pleased with the feeling of unification and dissolution of being in Nature, probably the first Spaniards felt the same thing we felt when we drank the extract of the cooking called Wachuma long before, being the San Pedro Ceremony known to most people today today as the means that unites a past with a present.
Wachuma medicinal properties, means healing, liberation, and expansion of internal consciousness, complementing externally when we find ourselves in Inca places or energy centers, vibrating and awakening our cells in an evolutionary process of constant learning and integration, Inca healing.
San Pedro Sacred Plant is considered like this since the Andean man discovered its hallucinogenic properties. "Wachuma Effects" describes the timethat the trance lasts after ingesting the drink, many describe it as a state of peace and tranquility where Andean societies took it As a sacred drink for healing, and also for divinatory purposes on any topic related to the community, there is evidence of these societies known as the Pre-Inca Culture "CHAVIN" in northern Peru.
The Hanpeq or Curandero is a hierarchy within the Shamans in Cusco who has attributed the one who heals with plants (herbalism), he can also read the Coca leaf and in the time of the Incas it is attributed to those who attended the Huacas or Places Sacred, it has the power of magical forces and communication with auxiliary spirits, which "invokes" does it to work in order to heal, where they must focus on alleviating the majority of diseases that afflict people. Many of his cures are done with traditional medicines without involving supernatural spirits or claiming magical powers.

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