Ceremonias Ancestrales Perú

Ancestral Ceremonies Perú


Recover and share the ancient Inca shamanic techniques that have transcended time and we can see in customs and traditions of natural medicine the awakening of the divine consciousness in each one of us for the evolution of the human being on the planet.


Shamanism in Cusco Peru is linked to traditions that the last descendants of the Incas have maintained, these are from the Qeros community who still respect their spiritual customs very closely linked to the Andean divinities that are the Sacred Mountains, the Pachamama, the Valleys, Rain etc, they depend on the benevolence of these Spirits and developed their society to this day based on communication to receive favors, these are community prosperity, health, abundance.

Their medicine is based on this harmony that they maintain with the Cosmos as mediators, bridges or CHAKANAS between the elements of Nature, being part of the creation of life, they do not have Hospitals or Pharmacies where they can easily go, since their illnesses or community or health problems is conditioned by another type of medicine or healing, through interaction with Nature, psycho-magical acts that we can call Andean Shamanism, where they transform reality

The Customs and the anthropological studies carried out in the Qeros community teach us how in the time of the Incas they represent the cosmos in three worlds or dimensions, thus we have the UKHU PACHA, KAY PACHA and the HANAQ PACHA.

UKHU PACHA: Respect for the world of the dead, the underworld inhabited by spirits, Mallkis or mummies beings from other dimensions, also represents the womb of mother earth or Pachamama where the seeds rest to later germinate, it is also represented by the Rainbow, who connects the world from Heaven to the inner world, all these beings could be called as «energies» that exist and are present as a symbol of respect and communion in the conception of the Cosmos.

KAY PACHA: Middle world, where the elementals live, us and the next nexus for the understanding of the Andean origin, where the human being is located as a mediator and/or bridge or Chakana, for the union of these kingdoms, animal, vegetable, mineral, it is the place where we eat and we know about pleasures and flavors, represented by chocolate candies what we like, it is exactly what Pachamama likes

HANAQ PACHA: The world above, the Sun or INTI, the Moon or Mama Killa, the Stars or Chaskas, celestial bodies, constellations and everything related to this dimension where we are parts as human beings, we always appreciate the conception of astronomy for the evolution of the Being.


The concept of Spirituality is based on the philosophy of life and its creation is very different from the philosophical concept of the West, in the Andes it is the human being who depends on Nature, the cycles and seasons that allow us to develop in a safer way in the rugged geography like the ancient cultures of the Andes

we have to understand that the concept of the «I» does not exist in the Andes, the conception is communal where the «We» depends on an area beyond human decisions, the dependence of these existing energy entities is related to these beings that maintain the form of communication to guarantee a harmonious life, what they call the Allin Kawsay or good living


the UKHU PACHA our Internal world «LLANKAY = WORK»
Totem animal «AMARU»

Represented by both internal and external work, AMARU symbolizes the wisdom of TRANSFORMATION, death, and rebirth for each evolutionary process, a change based on the balance that only nature shows us in its perfection, related to what we like to do as art or expression. of the soul through the feeling of action

the KAY PACHA or our external world «MUNAY = LOVE»
Totem animal «PUMA»

represented by Love, that we can carry out together with our work in this life that is generally related to what we love or are passionate about Andean wisdom tells us that if we love what we do we will flourish and reach divine consciousness or Yachay

the HANAN PACHA our spiritual world YACHAY,
Totem animal «CONDOR»

Related to the merit in this life to the benefits of the fruit of our effort, both externally and internally, the wisdom of Pachamama is related to the humility of the human being and the evolution of the being.


The techniques are often inherited or learned from a Master shaman, who receives his powers from the ROWAL or sacred mountain with snow, these supernatural beings become the protectors of the Shaman, through a stone or quartz these energies accompany the healing sessions , energetic cleanings.

Shamanism speaks of techniques related to movements representing the sounds of nature, as well as whistles or blows in relation to the wind as well as the condor or eagle feathers that carry the force of these elements who are present through the Shaman, being able to achieve a energetic cleansing in us for healing purposes

The Geographical region where the Shaman is born or learns this knowledge will influence the interaction whatever the ceremony or ritual, for example in Peru the shamans of the North Coast use different elements to perform the San Pedro Wachuma ceremony, an altar divided by the representations of the divine and malefic, of the black and white while the shamans of the Cusco region will use other elements such as the coca leaf, very common in all Andean ceremonies, both use the mescaline of San Pedro to enter trance and perform the ceremony.

The relationship that is established between the Shaman and the forces of nature develops when it is invoked by a supernatural being or spirit who is present in the ceremony as a force or energy of joy and a sensation of peace and tranquility, followed by visions and very perceptible sensations for us when we find ourselves in an ethereal state


La humanidad en el tiempo se ha dirigido a una constante evolución, cambio y adaptabilidad con el principal propósito quizás la de buscar la «FELICIDAD»,  hoy en día se ha desvirtuado por creer o relacionar nuestra felicidad con aquello que no tenemos o poseemos generando así cada vez más el DESEO en nosotros por hacerlo realidad en nuestra vida

El «despertar la conciencia» la relacionan con la PERFECCIÓN de nosotros, ser espiritual o estar con la conciencia despierta se ha convertido en una obsesión que nubla la esencia del ser y enaltece la presencia del yo individual o conocido como el EGO

Vivimos en mundo dual, una relación e interacción de complementos opuestos 


que hoy en día podriamos interpretar 


El Cusco es uno de los  grandes centros energéticos a nivel mundial que atrae a toda persona como una necesidad de ser visitada, los la gente de cusco y las tradiciones dicen que es el llamado de la Madre Tierra o Pachamama, toda persona que visita Cusco es un retorno y reencuenro con un pasado donde el ser humano establece una relación de por vida con las naturaleza encontrando un perfecto balance de entrega y reciprocidad llamado antiguamente AYNI

Por el Cusco pasa 2 fallas Geológicas, donde estas cuevas eran considerados como entradas al centro de la tierra, un mundo llamado el UJU PACHA, donde habitan seres sobrenaturales obteniendo muchas veces sus favores, portales de comunicación con el espiritu de la Pachamama o madre tierra, contruyendo asi los centros energeticos de coneccion espiritual para canalizar y armonizar siendo parte de un movimiento total de la vida y su fluir llamado ALLIN KAWSAY